Fat Reduction Treatments; offer a non-invasive and non-surgical alternative to liposuction .
Get rid of stubborn pockets of fat in a short amount of time.
What areas can we treat with Fat Reduction Treatments?
Upper Arms
Tuckshop Arms or Bingo Wings can be effectively treated with Fat Reduction.
Double Chin
Fat Reduction Treatments can target stubborn fat deposits on the jaw, chin and neck.
Belly Fat
Fat Reduction Treatments can assist in removing stubborn fat pockets in the belly area.
Fat Reduction Treatments are a non surgical treatment to reduce jowls and give a more youthful jawline.
Bra Fat
Minimise Bra Fat rolls with Fat Reduction Treatments to target stubborn fat pockets.
Muffin Top
Fat Reduction Treatments can treat Love Handles or Muffin Tops.
Inner Thigh
Get a little help to get your thigh gap back. Fat Reduction Treatments help budge stubborn fat pockets.
Remove fat deposits from above the knee and enhance the look of your legs.
Banana Roll
Excess fat underneath the buttocks can be treated with Fat Reduction Treatments.
Buffalo Hump
Buffalo Hump Fat Reduction Treatments are a popular new way to decrease the size of the dorsocervical fat pad.
Fat Reduction Treatments, Burleigh Heads Gold Coast
As we age, it can be hard to keep excess fat from forming, commonly in areas such as; chins, bra roll, upper arms, belly, bottom and thighs. Little fat pockets usually aren’t anything to worry about, but aesthetically can make a huge difference to your confidence.
Non-surgical alternative to liposuction.
If you have stubborn pockets of fat that just won’t budge there’s no need to jump straight to surgery. Fat Reduction Treatments offer a non-invasive, non-surgical alternative to liposuction for treatment of pockets of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. Fat Reduction Treatments help to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat in a short space of time. They work by breaking down fat cells and removing them from the body naturally.
Fat Dissolving
On average up to 3 treatments depending on the amount of fat.
Patients describe pain level similar to sunburn, it will last about 10 mins then the feeling will dissipate. We use topical numbing and ice for comfort.
Swelling is present at time of treatment and can last on average 3-10 days. This is a sign that the treatment is working!
Some patients report tenderness, temporary numbing. In rare cases there have been reports of nerve injury leaving a asymmetrical smile that usually resolves in days to months.
This treatment is considered permanent (up to 5 years) unless excessive weight gain.
Treatments varies and differs between individuals.
Our Fat Reduction Treatments can help you get rid of stubborn pockets of fat.
Consultations are necessary for direct quote.